Sunday 8 November 2015


Well, that's a heck of a long time between posts! I'll try not to do that again :) 

Today, I feel so there are so many things wrong with the world that several lifetimes couldn't fix it.

It seems that you can either choose to be happy, by ignoring or accepting the wrong in the world - or you can dedicate your life to making the world a better place, which entails effort, loneliness, rejection and overwhelm. 

Things like starving people, corruption, war, poverty, violence, rape, slavery, murder....and yet we get distracted with technology, personal achievements and the next movie/iphone/kitchen appliance about to be released.  

I think it might be the curse of being a deep thinker and part of me wishes I wasn't - we all know those people that are bubbly and shallow - but fun- and it's nice to be around them now and again. They remind me of young children and animals and it's nice to watch creatures being playful.  

However, eventually you long for a deep conversation about something important - with someone that isn't going to look at you strangely when you bring up a topic. I suspect the smarter you are, the less frequently you encounter such a person. 

So, what can one person do to change the world for the better? 

I'm going to think about this for a bit and see what I can come up with. 

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